Results for 'John D. O'Banion'

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  1.  10
    (1 other version)Reorienting Rhetoric: The Dialectic of List and Story.John D. O'Banion - 1987 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Written in the form it discusses, _Reorienting Rhetoric _is both a narrative weaving out of a theme and a systematic treatment of a set of these ideas. The theme is the role of narration in the history of Western rhetoric. The ideas include the gradual tendency to privilege only systematic language, to discard all traditional modes of thinking, and to view narrative as an object but not as a means of thinking. _Reorienting Rhetoric_ argues that narration is a mode of (...)
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    No effect of familiarity on the Coolidge effect in prairie voles.John D. Pierce, Kimberly K. O’Brien & Donald A. Dewsbury - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (4):325-328.
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    Functional Analysis of Continuous, High-Resolution Measures in Aging Research: A Demonstration Using Cerebral Oxygenation Data From the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging.John D. O’Connor, Matthew D. L. O’Connell, Roman Romero-Ortuno, Belinda Hernández, Louise Newman, Richard B. Reilly, Rose Anne Kenny & Silvin P. Knight - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  4.  54
    A Critical Analysis of the Accounting Industry’s Voluntary Code of Conduct.John D. Neill, O. Scott Stovall & Darryl L. Jinkerson - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (1-2):101-108.
    The public accounting industry's voluntary code of conduct in the United States is the American Institute of CPA's Code of Professional Conduct. Based on our analysis, we conclude that the accounting industry's current code is limited in its ability to serve the public interest in three respects. Specifically, the code is input-based, requires no third-party attestation of compliance with the code, and contains no public reporting process of code compliance/noncompliance at the accounting firm level. We propose that the accounting profession (...)
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    Reviews. [REVIEW]Kurt Marko, R. C. Elwood, Fred Seddon, John D. Windhausen, Timothy E. O'Connor & Robert C. Williams - 1989 - Studies in East European Thought 37 (4):227-229.
  6.  29
    Natural Law and Ethical Non-Naturalism.John D. O’Connor - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (2):190-208.
    There is a lack of clarity in the literature about what constitutes the natural law approach to ethics and what is incompatible with it. The standard, and largely historical, way of understanding the natural law approach risks overlooking theoretical differences of fundamental importance regarding what the natural law approach is usually taken to uphold. Against Craig Paterson, I argue that a necessary condition for an ethical account to uphold fully the natural law approach is that it does not contain any (...)
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    Our Fate. Essays on God and Free Will.John D. O’Connor - 2020 - Philosophical Quarterly 70 (280):650-652.
    Our Fate. Essays on God and Free Will. By Martin Fischer John.
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    (1 other version)John Locke.John Locke: Theoretische Philosophie.John W. Yolton, D. J. O'Connor & Alfred Klemmt - 1953 - Journal of Philosophy 50 (14):435.
  9.  45
    Institutional Impediments to Voluntary Ethics Measurement Systems.O. Scott Stovall, John D. Neill & Brad Reid - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (2/3):169 - 175.
    In this paper, we argue that calls for widespread implementation of ethics measurement systems would be better informed by institutional economic analysis. Specifically, we assert that proponents of such systems must first recognize and understand the institutions that potentially impede such efforts. We identify two potential institutional impediments to measuring ethics and social responsibility. First, we suggest that neoclassical economics, supported by traditional business education and legal precedent, serves to reinforce the notion that shareholders are the primary corporate constituency group. (...)
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    An Investigation of Ethics Officer Independence.W. Michael Hoffman, John D. Neill & O. Scott Stovall - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):87-95.
    In this paper, we examine whether ethics officers are able to perform their assigned duties independently of organizational management. Specifically, we investigate whether inherent conflicts of interest with company management potentially hinder the ability of ethics officers to serve as an effective monitor and deterrent of unethical activity throughout the organization. As part of our analysis, we conducted 10 detailed phone interviews with current and retired ethics officers in order to determine whether practicing ethics officers feel the need for additional (...)
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    An Analysis of International Accounting Codes of Conduct.Curtis Clements, John D. Neill & O. Scott Stovall - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):173 - 183.
    The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has recently issued a revised "Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants" (IFAC Code). As a requirement for membership in IFAC, a national accounting organization must either adopt the IFAC Code or adopt a code of conduct that is not "less stringent" than the IFAC Code. In this paper, we examine the extent to which 158 national accounting organizations have adopted the revised IFAC Code as their own. Our results indicate that 80 of our sample (...)
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    Reframing catholic theological ethics by Joseph A. selling, oxford university press, oxford, 2016, pp. IX + 254, £65.00, hbk. [REVIEW]John D. O'connor - 2017 - New Blackfriars 98 (1078):761-763.
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    Ethics as a work of charity. Thomas Aquinas and pagan virtue by David decosimo, Stanford university press, Stanford, 2014, pp. XIII + 354, $65.00, hbk. [REVIEW]John D. O'connor Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1071):647-649.
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    Corporate governance, internal decision making, and the invisible hand.O. Scott Stovall, John D. Neill & David Perkins - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (2):221-227.
    Proponents of the dominant contemporary model of corporate governance maintain that the shareholder is the primary constituent of the firm. The responsibility for managerial decision makers in this governance system is to maximize shareholder wealth. Neoclassical economists ethically justify this objective with their interpretation of Adam Smith's notion of the Invisible Hand. Using a famous quotation from The Wealth of Nations, they interpret the Invisible Hand as Smith's (An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Methuen (...)
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    What Makes an Ethical Account a Natural Law Ethical Account? Contemporary Ethics, Metaethics, and Normative Ethics.John D. O’Connor - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (2):303-326.
    What makes ethical accounts natural law ethical is, I argue, commonly misrepresented in teaching within much of the philosophical academy. Yet those immersed in the field of natural law and ethics rarely give definitions/brief characterisations of what makes ethical accounts natural law ethical. I suggest theoretical reasons for the lack. I argue that bringing natural law into ethics is best understood as leading to theoretically unitary accounts, not simply collections of positions detachable from each other: an overlooked and significant point (...)
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    Knowing what to do: Imagination, virtue and platonism in ethics by timothychappell, oxford university press, oxford, pp. IX + 339, £45.00, hbk. [REVIEW]John D. O'connor Op - 2015 - New Blackfriars 96 (1066):759-761.
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    Filosofia e Pós-modernismo Profético: Para uma Pós-modernidade Católica.John D. Caputo - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (4):827 - 843.
    A pós-modernidade sublinha o papel produtivo da diferença, em oposição à predilecção "moderna" ou do Iluminismo pela universalidade, comunalidade, consenso, bem como por aquilo que os modernos chamam "racionalidade". Segundo o autor do artigo, existem duas variedades distintas desta filosofia da diferença, dependendo de qual predecessor do século XIX – Nietzsche ou Kierkegaard – se prefere, de modo que o artigo distingue entre um pós-modernismo "dionisíaco" e outro de carácter mais "profético". A maioria das objecções que se fazem contra o (...)
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  18. The Impact of Cultural Differences on the Convergence of International Accounting Codes of Ethics.Curtis E. Clements, John D. Neill & O. Scott Stovall - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S3):383-391.
    The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has issued a revised “Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants” (IFAC Code). The IFAC Code is intended to be a model code of ethics for national accounting organizations throughout the world. Prior research demonstrates that approximately 50% of IFAC member organizations have adopted the IFAC Code as their organizational code of conduct. There is therefore empirical evidence that international convergence of accounting ethical standards is occurring. We employ Hofstede’s ( 2008 , ) cultural (...)
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    Comment: The Atmosphere of Intellect.John D. O'Connor - 2021 - New Blackfriars 102 (1100):439-441.
    New Blackfriars, Volume 102, Issue 1100, Page 439-441, July 2021.
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    Augustine and Postmodernism: Confessions and Circumfession.John D. Caputo & Michael J. Scanlon (eds.) - 2005 - Indiana University Press.
    At the heart of the current surge of interest in religion among contemporary Continental philosophers stands Augustine’s Confessions. With Derrida’s Circumfession constantly in the background, this volume takes up the provocative readings of Augustine by Heidegger, Lyotard, Arendt, and Ricoeur. Derrida himself presides over and comments on essays by major Continental philosophers and internationally recognized Augustine scholars. While studies on and about Augustine as a philosopher abound, none approach his work from such a uniquely postmodern point of view, showing both (...)
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  21.  35
    The political thought of John Locke: An historical account of the argument of the 'two treatises of government'.D. O. Thomas - 1970 - Philosophical Books 11 (1):30-33.
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    Introduction: Sharing Data in a Medical Information Commons.Amy L. McGuire, Mary A. Majumder, Angela G. Villanueva, Jessica Bardill, Juli M. Bollinger, Eric Boerwinkle, Tania Bubela, Patricia A. Deverka, Barbara J. Evans, Nanibaa' A. Garrison, David Glazer, Melissa M. Goldstein, Henry T. Greely, Scott D. Kahn, Bartha M. Knoppers, Barbara A. Koenig, J. Mark Lambright, John E. Mattison, Christopher O'Donnell, Arti K. Rai, Laura L. Rodriguez, Tania Simoncelli, Sharon F. Terry, Adrian M. Thorogood, Michael S. Watson, John T. Wilbanks & Robert Cook-Deegan - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):12-20.
    Drawing on a landscape analysis of existing data-sharing initiatives, in-depth interviews with expert stakeholders, and public deliberations with community advisory panels across the U.S., we describe features of the evolving medical information commons. We identify participant-centricity and trustworthiness as the most important features of an MIC and discuss the implications for those seeking to create a sustainable, useful, and widely available collection of linked resources for research and other purposes.
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    John Dewey: His Thought and influence. [REVIEW]D. O. D. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (1):176-176.
    A tribute volume for the Dewey centennial by prominent Roman Catholic philosophers and educationalists. There are eight essays critically, but sympathetically, evaluating Dewey's thought in the areas of education, political theory, technology, theory of knowledge and metaphysics. The historical and intellectual context of his thought is outlined and an authoritative report on his influence in China is given. The essays are of consistently high quality, throwing fresh light on many obscure points in the Dewey authorship.--D. D. O.
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    John Locke: Two tracts on government.D. O. Thomas - 1968 - Philosophical Books 9 (2):1-3.
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    Seeking Meaning and Making Sense by John Haldane. [REVIEW]John D. O'connor - 2009 - New Blackfriars 90 (1027):390-392.
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    John Dewey and the Experimental Spirit in Philosophy. [REVIEW]D. O. D. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (2):364-365.
    Centennial lectures delivered in New Haven by four Yale philosophers. Prof. Hendel's essay locates Dewey in the philosophical tradition and clarifies his brand of empiricism. Prof. Lawrence distinguishes fact from fiction in Dewey's philosophy of education. The essays of Professors Bernstein and Smith develop central but often neglected theses of Dewey's speculative thought. An attractive volume which advances the creative thoughts of the man it honors.--D. D. O.
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    The liberal politics of John Locke.D. O. Thomas - 1969 - Philosophical Books 10 (2):21-24.
  28. Public Stem Cell Banks: Considerations of Justice in Stem Cell Research and Therapy.Ruth R. Faden, Liza Dawson, Alison S. Bateman-House, Dawn Mueller Agnew, Hilary Bok, Dan W. Brock, Aravinda Chakravarti, Xiao-Jiang Gao, Mark Greene, John A. Hansen, Patricia A. King, Stephen J. O'Brien, David H. Sachs, Kathryn E. Schill, Andrew Siegel, Davor Solter, Sonia M. Suter, Catherine M. Verfaillie, LeRoy B. Walters & John D. Gearhart - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (6):13-27.
    If stem cell-based therapies are developed, we will likely confront a difficult problem of justice: for biological reasons alone, the new therapies might benefit only a limited range of patients. In fact, they might benefit primarily white Americans, thereby exacerbating long-standing differences in health and health care.
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    The Christian idea of God: A philosophical foundation for faith by Keith ward, cambridge university press, cambridge, 2017, pp. VI + 229, £24.99, pbk. [REVIEW]John D. O'connor - 2019 - New Blackfriars 100 (1089):609-611.
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    The Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of the Xian Monks, and: The Buddha's Gospel: A Buddhist Interpretation of Jesus' Words (review).John D'Arcy May - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):190-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of the Xian Monks, and: The Buddha's Gospel: A Buddhist Interpretation of Jesus' WordsJohn D'Arcy MayThe Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of the Xian Monks. Edited by Ray Riegert and Thomas Moore. London: Souvenir Press, 2004. 140 + xi pp.The Buddha's Gospel: A Buddhist Interpretation of Jesus' Words. By Lindsay Falvey. Adelaide: Institute for International Development, (...)
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    Traumatic Brain Injury Detection Using Electrophysiological Methods.Paul E. Rapp, David O. Keyser, Alfonso Albano, Rene Hernandez, Douglas B. Gibson, Robert A. Zambon, W. David Hairston, John D. Hughes, Andrew Krystal & Andrew S. Nichols - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:112527.
    Measuring neuronal activity with electrophysiological methods may be useful in detecting neurological dysfunctions, such as mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). This approach may be particularly valuable for rapid detection in at-risk populations including military service members and athletes. Electrophysiological methods, such as quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) and recording event-related potentials (ERPs) may be promising; however, the field is nascent and significant controversy exists on the efficacy and accuracy of the approaches as diagnostic tools. For example, the specific measures derived from an (...)
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    Behind the Masque. By Urban P. Nagle, O.P. [REVIEW]John D. Tumpane - 1952 - Renascence 4 (2):187-189.
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    History of American Political Thought.John Agresto, John E. Alvis, Donald R. Brand, Paul O. Carrese, Laurence D. Cooper, Murray Dry, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Thomas S. Engeman, Christopher Flannery, Steven Forde, David Fott, David F. Forte, Matthew J. Franck, Bryan-Paul Frost, David Foster, Peter B. Josephson, Steven Kautz, John Koritansky, Peter Augustine Lawler, Howard L. Lubert, Harvey C. Mansfield, Jonathan Marks, Sean Mattie, James McClellan, Lucas E. Morel, Peter C. Meyers, Ronald J. Pestritto, Lance Robinson, Michael J. Rosano, Ralph A. Rossum, Richard S. Ruderman, Richard Samuelson, David Lewis Schaefer, Peter Schotten, Peter W. Schramm, Kimberly C. Shankman, James R. Stoner, Natalie Taylor, Aristide Tessitore, William Thomas, Daryl McGowan Tress, David Tucker, Eduardo A. Velásquez, Karl-Friedrich Walling, Bradley C. S. Watson, Melissa S. Williams, Delba Winthrop, Jean M. Yarbrough & Michael Zuckert - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    This book is a collection of secondary essays on America's most important philosophic thinkers—statesmen, judges, writers, educators, and activists—from the colonial period to the present. Each essay is a comprehensive introduction to the thought of a noted American on the fundamental meaning of the American regime.
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    Catholicism Opening to the World and Other Confessions: Vatican Ii and its Impact.John Borelli, Drew Christiansen, Gerard Mannion, Jason Welle O. F. M., Vladimir Latinovic, John O’Malley, Agnes de Dreuzy, Charles E. Curran, Matthew A. Shadle, Patricia Madigan, Mary McClintock Fulkerson, Anne E. Patrick, Jan Nielen, Agnes M. Brazal, Paul G. Monson, Dale T. Irvin, Dagmar Heller, Anastacia Wooden, Mark D. Chapman, Dorothea Sattler, Patrick J. Hayes, Susan K. Wood, H. E. Cardinal W. Kasper & Brian Flanagan - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume explores how Catholicism began and continues to open its doors to the wider world and to other confessions in embracing ecumenism, thanks to the vision and legacy of the Second Vatican Council. It explores such themes as the twentieth century context preceding the council; parallels between Vatican II and previous councils; its distinctively pastoral character; the legacy of the council in relation to issues such as church-world dynamics, as well as to ethics, social justice, economic activity. Several chapters (...)
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    Deliberate Introductions of Species: Research Needs.John Ewel, Dennis O'Dowd, Joy Bergelson, Curtis Daehler, Carla D'Antonio, Luis Diego Gómez, Doria Gordon, Richard Hobbs, Alan Holt, Keith Hopper, Colin Hughes, Marcy LaHart, Roger Leakey, William Lee, Lloyd Loope, David Lorence, Svata Louda, Ariel Lugo, Peter McEvoy, David Richardson & Peter Vitousek - 1999 - BioScience 49 (8).
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  36.  38
    The Political Philosophy of John Locke. [REVIEW]D. O. Thomas - 1962 - Philosophy 37 (141):259 - 263.
  37.  5
    La première circulation de la Servitude volontaire en France et au-delà.John O'Brien & Marc D. Schachter (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
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  38. Descartes's Meditations: Critical Essays.John P. Carriero, Peter J. Markie, Stephen Schiffer, Robert Delahunty, Frederick J. O'Toole, David M. Rosenthal, Fred Feldman, Anthony Kenny, Margaret D. Wilson, John Cottingham & Jonathan Bennett (eds.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This collection of recent articles by leading scholars is designed to illuminate one of the greatest and most influential philosophical books of all time. It includes incisive commentary on every major theme and argument in the Meditations, and will be valuable not only to philosophers but to historians, theologians, literary scholars, and interested general readers.
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  39. Multilevel Research Strategies and Biological Systems.Maureen A. O’Malley, Ingo Brigandt, Alan C. Love, John W. Crawford, Jack A. Gilbert, Rob Knight, Sandra D. Mitchell & Forest Rohwer - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (5):811-828.
    Multilevel research strategies characterize contemporary molecular inquiry into biological systems. We outline conceptual, methodological, and explanatory dimensions of these multilevel strategies in microbial ecology, systems biology, protein research, and developmental biology. This review of emerging lines of inquiry in these fields suggests that multilevel research in molecular life sciences has significant implications for philosophical understandings of explanation, modeling, and representation.
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    Shared Use and Safe Routes to School: Managing the Fear of Liability.Benjamin D. Winig, John O. Spengler & Alexis M. Etow - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (S1):36-39.
    This paper examines two policy initiatives that research shows can increase opportunities for physical activity and, in turn, improve health outcomes. These initiatives — shared use and Safe Routes to School — can and should be embraced by schools to improve student and community health. Fear of liability, however, has made many schools reluctant to support these efforts despite their proven benefits. This paper addresses school administrators’ real and perceived liability concerns and identifies four strategies for managing the fear of (...)
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    Enthusiastic portrayal of 3D bioprinting in the media: Ethical side effects.Frederic Gilbert, John Noel M. Viaña, Cathal D. O'Connell & Susan Dodds - 2017 - Bioethics 32 (2):94-102.
    There has been a surge in mass media reports extolling the potential for using three-dimensional printing of biomaterials to treat a wide range of clinical conditions. Given that mass media is recognized as one of the most important sources of health and medical information for the general public, especially prospective patients, we report and discuss the ethical consequences of coverage of 3D bioprinting in the media. First, we illustrate how positive mass media narratives of a similar biofabricated technology, namely the (...)
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    European and American Philosophers.John Marenbon, Douglas Kellner, Richard D. Parry, Gregory Schufreider, Ralph McInerny, Andrea Nye, R. M. Dancy, Vernon J. Bourke, A. A. Long, James F. Harris, Thomas Oberdan, Paul S. MacDonald, Véronique M. Fóti, F. Rosen, James Dye, Pete A. Y. Gunter, Lisa J. Downing, W. J. Mander, Peter Simons, Maurice Friedman, Robert C. Solomon, Nigel Love, Mary Pickering, Andrew Reck, Simon J. Evnine, Iakovos Vasiliou, John C. Coker, Georges Dicker, James Gouinlock, Paul J. Welty, Gianluigi Oliveri, Jack Zupko, Tom Rockmore, Wayne M. Martin, Ladelle McWhorter, Hans-Johann Glock, Georgia Warnke, John Haldane, Joseph S. Ullian, Steven Rieber, David Ingram, Nick Fotion, George Rainbolt, Thomas Sheehan, Gerald J. Massey, Barbara D. Massey, David E. Cooper, David Gauthier, James M. Humber, J. N. Mohanty, Michael H. Dearmey, Oswald O. Schrag, Ralf Meerbote, George J. Stack, John P. Burgess, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Nicholas Jolley, Adriaan T. Peperzak, E. J. Lowe, William D. Richardson, Stephen Mulhall & C. - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington, A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 109–557.
    Peter Abelard (1079–1142 ce) was the most wide‐ranging philosopher of the twelfth century. He quickly established himself as a leading teacher of logic in and near Paris shortly after 1100. After his affair with Heloise, and his subsequent castration, Abelard became a monk, but he returned to teaching in the Paris schools until 1140, when his work was condemned by a Church Council at Sens. His logical writings were based around discussion of the “Old Logic”: Porphyry's Isagoge, aristotle'S Categories and (...)
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    CyclePad: An articulate virtual laboratory for engineering thermodynamics.Kenneth D. Forbus, Peter B. Whalley, John O. Everett, Leo Ureel, Mike Brokowski, Julie Baher & Sven E. Kuehne - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 114 (1-2):297-347.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Henrietta Schwartz, Ronald D. Cohen, James J. Shields Jr, Mazoor Ahmed, Albert E. Bender, Paul J. Schafer, Charles S. Ungerleider, Andrew T. Kopan, Joseph Watras, George A. Letchworth, Ronald M. Brown, John H. Walker, Ralph B. Kimbrough, C. O. X. Roy L. & Raymond Martin - unknown
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    John Macmurray.Daniel D. O’Connor - 1964 - International Philosophical Quarterly 4 (3):464-484.
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    The Elaborated Environmental Stress Hypothesis as a Framework for Understanding the Association Between Motor Skills and Internalizing Problems: A Mini-Review.Vincent O. Mancini, Daniela Rigoli, John Cairney, Lynne D. Roberts & Jan P. Piek - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  47. Entropy and information in evolving biological systems.Daniel R. Brooks, John Collier, Brian A. Maurer, Jonathan D. H. Smith & E. O. Wiley - 1989 - Biology and Philosophy 4 (4):407-432.
    Integrating concepts of maintenance and of origins is essential to explaining biological diversity. The unified theory of evolution attempts to find a common theme linking production rules inherent in biological systems, explaining the origin of biological order as a manifestation of the flow of energy and the flow of information on various spatial and temporal scales, with the recognition that natural selection is an evolutionarily relevant process. Biological systems persist in space and time by transfor ming energy from one state (...)
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    John Locke and the Way of Ideas.D. J. O'Connor - 1958 - Philosophical Review 67 (2):269.
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    Dismissal Policies for Vaccine Refusal -- A Reply.Michael J. Deem, Mark Christopher Navin & John D. Lantos - 2018 - JAMA Pediatrics 172 (11):1101-1102.
    Marshall and O’Leary’s thoughtful response to our article suggests that dismissal policies are ethically justifiable because they might induce parents to immunize their children. This outcome is conceivable, but we have only anecdotes about how often it occurs. Such evidence became the thin reed on which the American Academy of Pediatrics rested its new policy of tolerating the practice of dismissing vaccine-hesitant parents. It seems likely that relatively few parents would agree to vaccinate because they were threatened with dismissal. Other (...)
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    Causal Cognition - A Multidsciplinary Debate, edited by Dan Sperber, David Premack and Ann James Premack.John Dillon, Daniela M. Bailer-Jones, Iseult Honohan, Brian Martine, John Biro, Christopher Adair-Toteff, Timothy O'Connor, Victor E. Taylor, Richard Rumana, Eileen Brennan & Julia Tanney - unknown
    The Morality of Happiness By Julia Annas, Oxford University Press, 1993. Pp. x + 502. ISBN 0–19–507999‐X. £45.00 (hbk), £13.99 (pbk).Dimensions of Creativity By Margaret A. Boden (ed.) MIT Press, 1994. Pp. 242. ISBN 0–262–02368–7. £24.95.Thomas Hobbes and the Science of Moral Virtue By David Boonin‐Vail, Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pp. 219. ISBN 0–521–46209–6. £37.50.Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes By Quentin Skinner, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. 477. ISBN 0–521–55436–5. £35.00.Being and the Between By William Desmond, State (...)
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